Two Weeks Until Favre Decision

In the story involving Green Bay’s neighbors to the north, Brett Favre has set a self-imposed deadline of July 30 to decide whether or not he will return in 2009 to play for the Minnesota Vikings.  It’s later than the Vikings would have liked, but it does give Favre plenty of time to decide whether or not he can commit to the season.  Favre also wants to make sure he will be playing (mostly) pain-free and will be able to contribute positively to the team.  The quarterback desperately wants to avoid a situation like he had down the stretch in 2008 with the New York Jets, where the Jets fell out of playoff contention and he played poorly.

Favre talked to the Associated Press about how he felt his arm and shoulder were:

"“There’s two weeks left and I’m doing everything I can. I was down here Sunday morning working out. I’m trying to get everything to where I feel 100 percent when I go in. I can’t go in any less. When you’re 39 years old, it’s hard enough. But it’s getting there.”"

According to reports, his shoulder surgery was indeed successful and he has been rehabbing it ever since.  The only hurdle appears to be getting his shoulder rehabbed to coincide with camp opening for the Vikings.  Favre does not want to play at less than 100%, as that is what mainly hindered his performance with the Jets.

"“I don’t think Minnesota would even consider it if I didn’t have it. Second of all, I wouldn’t even think about it if I didn’t have it. Now, having it here and having in on the field on Sundays is two different things, I know that for a fact. I know what it takes to play on Sunday and I still believe I have that.”"

The one thing all of this does for this Favre saga is put a timetable on it, something it has lacked the whole summer.  We can all wait for this to end July 30, retired or unretired.
