Jclombardi details heated reviews about QB Rodgers’ performance.
Commentary: Although reviews and grades about the Redskins loss are posted for fans, our commentaries were brief about the awful performance of QB Rodgers. Thus, we present additional professional reviews with two brilliant game summaries about the awful performance of QB Rodgers in the Redskins game along with his big OT interception that led to the loss. The heated reviews detailed specific bad passes, missed opportunities, and bad leadership underlying his awful performance. Also, they reflect the huge emotional disappointment from the Packers press and the Packers nation.
HEATED REVIEW I: Overtime hasn’t been kind to Rodgers. In January, his gaffes led directly to a playoff defeat. On Sunday, he tried to force a post route to Jennings on the second play of OT and was lucky when Hall dropped the ball. On the next series, Rodgers threw a bad ball to Jennings that was behind him and intercepted by Landry. Yes, Rodgers had DT Jeremy Jarmon in his face, but if he hadn’t drifted several steps to the right a direct throwing lane would have been available. Two of the four sacks and another knockdown were on Rodgers, either for running into them or holding the ball too long. He wasn’t decisive or rhythmic. He putzed around in the pocket instead of just making the decision to scramble and go. It seemed that about one of every four of his passes were bad balls. After a fast start, it was mostly downhill from the mid-second quarter on. Rodgers let his receivers down just as they let him down.