Detroit Lions At Green Bay Packers: Streaking Is Legal In Wisconsin

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Packers special teams

So far this season PK Mason Crosby has been (knock wood) perfect. Whatever his problems last season you can’t ask for much more than that folks. Punter Tim “Thunderfoot” Masthay has done a great job generating touchbacks on kickoffs and has punted effectively if not often. Masthay’s stats place him dead last in the NFL. Not because he sucks…but because he’s only punted 12 times. What we need is a kick / punt returner. Until the Packers develop somebody to take that burden off of WR Randall “Cobbernicus” Cobb’s capable shoulders I guess they’ll continue to risk him on return duty. It’s about time for a big special teams play. Maybe a blocked punt or (dare I even write the words) a punt or kick return TD? Can you get behind it?