Fans of the Green Bay Packers — the Jermichael Finley saga continues.
I don’t want to say that I am over it – because I feel like that’s a bit unfair – as it wasn’t his “choice” to be in this predicament at the onset of this next chapter of his NFL career. However, as training camp approaches, I do grow tired of the uncertainty.
At first glimpse, it looked as if Finley’s promising career may be over. After his gruesome injury last season left him with a fused spine and an uncertain future, Finley was putting in all the extra work necessary to get back on his feet, literally and professionally.
As free agency approached, there was much speculation that the Seattle Seahawks could target Finley if he was medically cleared, which he was optimistic would happen. That didn’t occur as expected and when semi-clearance did come, the Seahawks removed their name from contention. Since, the Packers and Giants have been mentioned as potential long-term landing spots, but nothing concrete has been brought to light.
The Packers and Giants have been mentioned as potential long-term landing spots, but nothing concrete has been brought to light.
Mostly because Finley is still in the process of getting cleared for football activity. While his personal doctors have cleared him for duty, the team doctors must now do the same. Finley had a meeting with Packers’ team doctors to go over his X-rays and MRIs, with no official word on the status of that clearance.
Nobody’s really sure about Jermichael Finley’s future.
Raymond T. Rivard photograph
With the Packers’ infamous conservative nature when it comes to neck injuries, there is much room for speculation at this point … and none of it has to do with Finley’s ability to play the game of football. From here on out – it’s all about pride – and a little about prejudice.
The way I see it, the Packers are moving on. The signs are all there: The team is currently carrying a plethora of tight ends, all capable of contributing to the team and growing within the offense. Let’s not forget that they are playing with the field general, Aaron Rodgers, so what they lack in experience is made up in Rodgers’ precision.
If this is the case, and the Packers are too conservative to experiment with Finley’s health … what are his decisions?
If Finley isn’t offered a long-term extension with the Packers, he will take his talents elsewhere. He has way too much pride to just throw up the white flag and succumb to his injury. He genuinely feels 100 percent and that he still has what it takes to compete at a high level. If that is the case, the Giants may be the answer to Finley’s prayers. But, how will Packers Nation feel about Finley transferring his talents to Big Blue?
If the option is revoked in Green Bay, we can’t really fault the guy for wanting to play football and needing to take care of his family. Yes, there will be some upset fans of the green and gold, but mainly because of the recipient of such talents. THE NEW YORK GIANTS. Aside from the 49ers, there isn’t another team in the NFL that irks me as much as the Giants. It would really upset me to see him land there.

I won’t necessarily call it a prejudice but – it’s as close as you can get to one without it sounding terrible.
There is still the matter of an insurance policy that Finley took out in the amount of $10 million if he never plays another down in the NFL. That is a lot of money, and if Finley doesn’t get the offer he wants from either team, he may be of the mindset to take it and run.
Who wouldn’t?
I honestly do not know how this whole thing is going to play out; but I think we are all ready for some sort of resolution to it.