Green Bay Packers fans: A relook at their superstitions

From a post a while back, this one looks at superstitions as they apply to Packers fans. Given that it’s Thursday, we thought a throwback would be a good idea.

This week, I decided that I needed help from my Green Bay Packers family. I knew that I had a superstition problem, but I also knew that I wasn’t alone.

So, with that in mind, I threw out a call to all Packers fans to offer their own superstitions when it came to the Packers. Needless to say my superstition of the need to be sure my bath towel label always faces to the inside wasn’t the only unusual superstition.

There were those who told us about their need to close their eyes, the need to face away from the television and to only watch replays; the need dress their children in specific clothing.

But without giving away too much, I thought it important to allow the folks who responded to our post to speak for themselves.

Check them all out below:

Next: Who is it on this list?
