There’s no denying the emotional roller-coaster a football fan goes through during the course of a game. Here are some of the potential symptoms that may appear: nervously pacing your living room, shouting obscenities at your television, or perhaps relying on a superstition (wearing your favorite jersey, sitting at your favorite spot, or simply leaving the room) that will surely edge out the win for your team.
This may sound silly to non-football fans (yes, they do exist), but the emotional attachment a football fan has to their team runs deep. And every now then there comes a game where that emotional attachment is tested. A game where the stakes are high, and losing isn’t an option.
In recent memory, Packers nation has gone through a myriad of nail-biting games that have gone both ways in the win-loss column. For better or worse, it’s these types of games that will be etched into the memories of fans. It’s these type of games that help build a player’s legacy, or it can diminish it.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane.