Packers coach Matt LaFleur was brutally honest about Jordan Morgan's minicamp

Green Bay Packers offensive tackle Jordan Morgan
Green Bay Packers offensive tackle Jordan Morgan / Mark Hoffman-USA TODAY Sports

It's overreaction season. The Green Bay Packers concluded their offseason workout program last week with several notable takeaways.

In an ideal world, every new player looks incredible, picks up the new scheme, and immediately becomes a star player. But that's just not the reality all that often. For every rookie who becomes a Pro Bowler from Day 1, there are several more who take months or even years to reach their potential.

We require patience for Packers first-round pick Jordan Morgan. Having played exclusively at left tackle during his time in college, Morgan is now cross-training at four positions while the Packers figure out the best spot for him.

However, Morgan has found the adjustment challenging and still has a long way to go. If the season began today, Green Bay's first-round pick likely wouldn't be in the starting lineup.

Matt LaFleur gives honest assessment of Jordan Morgan's offseason

There is no doubting Morgan's athleticism and pass-blocking ability, but there's a lot to learn at the NFL level. Beyond the physical part of the game, it's important to learn the scheme and develop the other important skills.

Morgan faced some challenges during mandatory minicamp, including a bad rep against former undrafted rookie Arron Mosby.

Clearly, there's still a lot of work to do. Morgan has a lot to prove before earning a spot in the Packers' startling five. He will continue to play at multiple positions to get valuable reps. Morgan spent time at right guard, which is not only a position change, but a shift to the other side of the line. That will take time to get used to.

Head coach Matt LaFleur was honest with his assessment of Morgan's start to the summer.

And that's to be expected. It's true. LaFleur isn't being overly harsh, but just pointing out where the Packers' first-round pick needs to improve. That will come with more experience, beginning at training camp.

Green Bay doesn't need Morgan to start at tackle from Day 1, and his best position could end up being at guard. They have the luxury of giving him the time he needs to develop, build consistency, and eventually earn a starting job.

There will be ups and downs. The Packers are excited about Morgan's future, but there's still a lot of work to do.

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