Mike McCarthy gives a preview of training camp … talks about football Super Bowls and baby

Mike McCarthy was at the podium this morning for his first press conference with the start of training camp as the players hit the field tonight.

He talked about the offseason, getting back to work, the team’s goals, and the difficulty he has had the past few days with the task of organizing and kicking camp off while at the same time experiencing the birth of he and his wife Jessica’s first baby … his answers were McCarthy-like – direct, honest and revealing.

Here are some of the highlights of that session as blogged by Tom Silverstein of the
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Players have been at the facility taking physicals and conditioning tests. “I think the
conditioning is something answered in the next couple of days.”

“We have a limited amount of time to get ready for the home opener, so it’s important we make use of our practices.”

Feeling about team: “It’s a totally different year for totally different reasons. Change is constant in this business. Change up for veterans will be good for them. Nobody is comfortable.” Have to make sure max out opportunities on the field.

Counting on veterans: “It’s important to have that leadership. It’s not something you say, ‘OK we have leadership.’ That’s a trap. It’s a variable of your structure. I look at it as an environmental focus of our locker room.”

Any roster additions expected: We’re at 84. There’s a lot of conversation (upstairs) that will continue. “I don’t know what the end result will be. There’s a lot of activity up there.”

On vets being cut: “I don’t think anybody liked the way it came down. It’s the part of our business. Said goodbye to some good friends. They played excellent football here. That’s the part of the business you don’t like.”

On winning SB: “It’s changed my life as far as people perceive you or interact with you. But it hasn’t changed me as a coach. I’m all about this season. It’s about the next challenge. I’m a football coach. The excitement for me is to get up in front of the team. Just to get going. It’s about Super Bowl XLVI, that’s what we’re chasing.”

About not getting together in off-season: “I was very comfortable with the decision the players made during the off-season. That was a score that we were perceived we were losing. Based on length of season, I spend a lot of time in risk assessment, I’m sure for some teams it was very productive” but based on length of season I’m happy with the way things went.

“It’s a new team. Anybody who thinks last year has anything to do with last year is naive. You have to re-establish yourself every year. That will be our approach.”

ILB depth: “That’s a fair question. It’s new opportunities. I don’t have a lot of information for you on the depth chart. The special teams depth chart is like a merry-go-round.”
Moving OLBs inside: “Absolutely. You’re looking at Brad Jones and Robert Francois. Those are the types of things you can do.”

“This is a whole new journey. There’s a path out there for us to get to Indianapolis.”
Harder on the team: “I think you need to be consistent. I think it’s important to tell them that they do it right. That’s not going to change.”

What’s your last couple of days been like: “It’s been hectic. It’s been hectic for everybody in the league. It was a long night (with the birth of his daughter Thursday night) Personally… I might  start crying up here … it’s been emotional. I need some sleep.”

Watch the complete video from Packers.com here

