If Green Bay Packers fans have their way, Matt Flynn will stay

Yesterday I wrote a post right here on Lombardiave explaining my opinion as to why the Green Bay Packers should cut Matt Flynn and go with just Aaron Rodgers and Scott Tolzien as their quarterbacks.

Not everyone agrees. In fact, the greatest majority of those fans who follow lombardiave on Facebook pretty much called me out for saying such a thing.

Most felt that the Packers should either keep all three or go with Rodgers and Flynn.

Clearly, fans like Matt Flynn. Heck, I like the guy, too. My post only said the Packers should part ways with Flynn because it would allow them to keep another player at another position and would make the team stronger.

Not only that, but if the Packers would need an extra quarterback at some point down the road, that they could simply pick up the phone and give him a call – like they did last year.

But my opinion seemingly wasn’t convincing enough. The fans want Flynn.

Frankly, I’m good with whatever Ted Thompson decides to do. In Ted I trust.

Here’s my headline from yesterday’s story:

Green Bay Packers: Team must cut Matt Flynn and gain a roster spot

But just so you know that I’m not making things up, here is the list of Facebook fans and their comments … enjoy:

Mike Donahue

Matt Martinsen The team well sine both
