Green Bay Packers: The ‘Pack Attack’ is back

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Eddie Lacy rushes for a touchdown during the third quarter against the Minnesota Vikings at Lambeau Field. Green Bay won 42-10. Jeff Hanisch-USA TODAY Sports photograph

The NFC North at the halfway mark

Now we face the Saints, and they could come to that style of play if we think we have them beat before we go out there and beat them.

And so is Mike McCarthy, the one-time quarterbacks coach, due for an appearance, if not victory in the Big Game of Games? Several other players know they have limited time as a professional football player, and are hungry for that bowl game before retirement comes knocking on their door.

Still, others tag along, doing their best, contributing to the team’s winning ways. It doesn’t matter if they are ranked in this or that, except wins and losses. 5 & 2 is a comfortable place to be in the NFC North Division, tied for first place, taking second place due to a head-to-head loss to the Lions.

Green Bay is banking on the Lions losing one more game, while they keep on winning, including  win against the Saints this weekend on Sunday Night Football, a 7:30 kickoff (CDT).

The Lions go on to Wembley Stadium,  in London, England, for a 8:30 AM (CDT) start against the Atlanta Falcons team that should be a nice snack for the hungry Lions.

Meanwhile, back in the U.S., Green Bay takes on the 2-4 New Orleans Saints, who are in need of a victory in order to keep in line for a playoff run after becoming what everyone thought would be a playoff year.

Meanwhile, the Atlanta Falcons come out of their four-game slump against Detroit, but the Lions are roaring again. With that said and done, don’t look for Green Bay to move into first place all alone this week, as the Lions go in as a solid favorite, while Green Bay continues to pound out touchdowns, like they are on sale for half-price Sundays only this month.

Meanwhile in the NFC North, the Vikings continues to move in a downward spiral of defeat, earning themselves disrespect around the league. Much of the lack of success is derived from moves off the field that have earned them player losses and more. Their once feared defense has faded and the team is in a state of need, to put things mildly.

Then there is the Bears, who year after year have made claims to the North title, but never seem to get over the hump. Last year’s new regime has taken apart the sound defense, which held them up so often, scored points and  kept them in games, setting them up with turnovers and forcing many offenses to three-and-out drives.

It seems the new defense cannot do those same things after taking things apart, adding Jared Allen, and saying goodbye to Julius Peppers and a few others from a solid defense last year and years before.

This leaves Detroit and the Packers on top this season in the North.

It doesn’t look like Chicago will go .500 this year, even with Allen on defense.  In comparison, Peppers might not have a few percentage points as much as Allen, but the humble character and blue collar work ethic he brings with him, not to mention an attitude that entices those around him to play their best on every down, was just what the doctor(s) ordered for Green Bay’s defense.

And yes, that last sentence has an “s” on the word “Doctor,” meaning between doctors Thompson and Capers, Green Bay has put together the talent and drive in these players to work with, due to Dr. Thompson’s ways, and given Dr. Capers a chance to work his scheme and the players he needed.

What we see now is that all coming together, so the boo-birds of a few games back can plan on keeping quiet while things work themselves out with this team.

Those two men worked with precision to get things together, like the best surgeons around. So we shall see where things go in November and into December, after the break next week.

The North has one thing going for sure, the Pack Attack is back.