Mina Kimes is 100 percent correct with her take about Jordan Love contract extension

Mina Kimes, as usual, is right.
Green Bay Packers
Green Bay Packers / Stacy Revere/GettyImages

What's the price to be paid for having unprecedented success in finding one franchise quarterback after another?

Well, the Green Bay Packers are about to find out, because Jordan Love is set to command one of the biggest contracts in the league. Love was one of the best quarterbacks in football last season, and you certainly can't hide from that if you're the Green Bay Packers.

Not that they want to, of course, but everyone is waiting for them to strike a deal with Love to keep him around beyond the 2024 season. As of right now, his deal will void next offseason and he would be slated for free agency.

Nobody has to think about that, though, because it won't get to that point.

Mina Kimes believes Packers need to get Jordan Love deal soon

ESPN's Mina Kimes always speaks the truth, and her take on Love's contract situation paints things pretty black and white for the Green Bay Packers.

"From Love's perspective, he should obviously try to maximize this for all he's worth. He bet on himself and won. From the Packers' perspective, I've seen enough with Jordan Love. Get the deal done and pay what it takes because he's that dude.

Second half of the (2023) season, he was one of the three best quarterbacks in football. And watching it, it wasn't artificial, it wasn't just schemed up although Matt LaFleur is a great play-caller. He was making high degree of difficulty throws in clutch situations. I think he has all of the tools to be one of the five best quarterbacks in the NFL and I don't think that's hyperbolic based on what I saw last year."

Mina Kimes

Again, what is another era of prosperity at quarterback worth to the Packers?

Is it worth splitting hairs over the fact that the franchise's circumstances dictated he didn't even play until last year? The sample size for other players getting massive extensions around the league is much larger than Love's but as Mina Kimes points out, Love has the ability to cement himself as a top-five QB in the entire league.

And he should be approaching negotiations with that in mind, not just trying to take a haircut for the Packers. It would be shocking to see Love reset the QB market, but I don't think he's going to try to do that given his circumstances.

But he should absolutely be looking for deals on par with what we've seen handed out to some of his close peers in terms of age like Jalen Hurts, Justin Herbert, and Joe Burrow.

All of those guys eclipsed $50 million in average annual value.

As tough of a pill as that may be to swallow, that's the price of prosperity at the quarterback position in today's NFL. And for the Green Bay Packers, it would be worth every penny.

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