Packers are going to great lengths to make sure Christian Watson stays healthy

Green Bay Packers, Christian Watson
Green Bay Packers, Christian Watson / Cooper Neill/GettyImages

Since drafting Christian Watson in the second round back in 2022, the Green Bay Packers have yet to see his full potential.

Watson just turned 25 years old and has plenty of football ahead of him, but injuries have become a significant part of his story, thus far. In two seasons, Watson has missed 11 games due to injuries, and the bulk of his issues have stemmed from hamstrings.

Because of his struggle with injuries, Watson has been traveling to Madison this offseason and putting in some work at Badger Athletic Performance.

Christian Watson games missed due to injury:

2022: Weeks 4, 6 and 7

2023: Weeks 1-3, Weeks 13-17

One of the main devices Watson has been using is called a NorBord. It has helped Watson work toward obtaining more symmetry between his two hamstrings. This is a root cause of hamstring injuries, he's learned -- the absence of symmetry between the two legs.

When one leg is stronger than the other, and by a significant amount, you can't simply do your everyday leg exercises to fix that problem. Watson is having to work his legs, both individually and together in various ways, to try and build symmetry back up between them.

The NorBord attaches to Watson's ankles and, through a variety of exercises and movements, calculates the symmetry between his two hamstrings.

"Honestly, that's my favorite part of the week, just going in there and getting to see that we've knocked off 4, 5, 6 percent of that asymmetry every week. Obviously, I still have a goal to get to. I want to be perfectly symmetrical, so I'll continue to work on that," the third-year wideout told the Packers official website.

Along with Watson, cornerback Eric Stokes has joined him in Madison, undergoing tests and also working toward limiting injuries himself.

Packer fans have grown real sick of hamstring injuries, and head coach Matt LaFleur even fired the team's former strength and conditioning coach Chris Gizzi after the season was over. Already during OTAs, newly-signed running back Josh Jacobs has become limited due to a hamstring injury, which is an unfortunate sign this early on.

Hopefully, the work that Watson and Stokes are putting in can not only allow the two of them to stay on the field, but can also become welcomed knowledge for the rest of their teammates, Jacobs included.
